Fry Your Chickens Friday - Why?

Starting in July I'm going to publish one "Fry Your Chickens" tip per week, always on Friday. There might be a better day of the week for this post - but I couldn't live with myself if I didn't make it Fry Your Chickens Friday.

When I write a new book, or keynote I always think – what if they don’t like it? What if they don’t laugh at the jokes? What if what if what if?

Actually I don’t think that– I have something inside of me that does the thinking. It’s a flock of chickens. Chickens like fear, negativity, self-doubt. 

Today is the start of a new weekly blog post, "Fry Your Chickens Friday". In the post you’re going to hear some stories. The stories are going to talk about how to handle those chickens, achieving goals and getting the life you deserve. To be on a game show, to ride a roller coaster after age 40, getting that first date, or writing a best sort of selling book.

And I want to start right there and set the record straight: I am an international best SORT OF selling author. Here’s why: When I released my book on Stress Management “Great Things Happen Every Day" we started it as a Kindle book. 

It was free for the first five days. 

And in those five days I “sold” thousands of copies. It went to number one on the best-seller list of stress management books that were free, in the Kindle format. I sold thousands of books and made zeroes of dollars. Is a free book a best-seller? 

Amazon says yes.

My banker says no. 

I decided to call it a best "Sort of" seller. Also it's "International" because someone in Canada downloaded one.

It wasn't a best seller, but that was okay. The goal wasn’t to win a Pulitzer prize or sell a million books 

The goal was to help people, and the book has. And maybe I’ll go for the million with my next book.

That’s the message of this weekly post – when you stop letting chickens rule your life you achieve more you laugh more and you live more. And – maybe just maybe – Meredith Vieira asks you about your buns. (My buns will be covered in a future post)

From here on out we will be looking at one unique way you can quiet your inner dialogue, fry the chickens that are standing in your way and live the life you deserve. Buckle up - it's going to be a fun ride!


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