Monday Stress Buster - Make Banana Milkshakes!

Starting in July I'm going to publish one stress busting tip per week, always on Monday. The first day of the work week for a lot of us seems to be a high-stress day. Hopefully these tips will help at least a little bit. 

It’s right there in the title of my book. “Great Things Happen Every Day – Finding joy with family, friends and banana milkshakes.” 

A banana milkshake (something I never heard of before I met my wife) became the very essence of Great Things and stress management for several good reasons: 

  1. It’s delicious, 
  2. It’s simple,
  3. It’s memorable, and most importantly 
  4. If you make one for each member of the family, it’s a shared event that brings the family together. 

The recipe couldn’t be easier: 
  • Vanilla frozen yogurt 
  • Lowfat Milk 
  • A banana. (NOTE: I freeze my bananas – it makes the milkshake a lot thicker. You can also get away with less frozen yogurt if you are so inclined.) 
  • Throw them in the blender, blend and serve. 

Banana milkshakes may not be everyone’s cup of tea – I get that. My kids prefer others, like: 

Chocolate: Replace vanilla frozen yogurt with chocolate and replace the banana with some Hershey’s chocolate syrup. 
Strawberry Banana: Replace half the banana with some frozen strawberries. 
Blueberry: No banana, frozen blueberries and a teaspoon of Stonewall Kitchen wild blueberry jam. I’m sure other types of blueberry jam would also work. 
Vanilla: No banana, add a teaspoon of sugar and a little bit of vanilla (imitation works fine). 

It lowers stress more if you have the kids help.

What is your favorite milkshake flavor?


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