Fry Your Chickens Friday - Find a LOHAG - Part One

Wait - what's a LOHAG?

Last Friday's post talked about the benefits of a BOHAG (Big Ol Hairy Audacious Goal). 

And while a BOHAG is one of the best ways I know to fry chickens, sometimes you need a quick win. That's why I invented (as far as I know anyway) the acronym LOHAG (Little Ol Hairy Audacious Goal).

LOHAG in Action - the Year I gave up Sunday Afternoon Football:

In September 2019 I sat down to watch my favorite team, the Cleveland Browns, take on the Tennessee Titans in the first game of the NFL season. The Browns had spent the better part of the prior two decades crushing my soul, regularly winning three to five games or fewer per season. And 2016 / 2017 were football futility like no other. In 2016 they won a single game. In 2017 they won NO games. 

But 2018 had been a turnaround of sorts. In the final eight games they went 5-3. They had a new coach, young quarterback, a new star wide receiver and more. 

As I sat down I knew this would be different. In prior years I would watch about a quarter of the first game and turn off the TV in frustration and immediately focus on our yard (we had the nicest yard around during those years).

2019 was different. I made it till halftime before I turned off the TV. 

I then stormed outside and told my wife: "That's it! I'm done for the season! NO more Sunday afternoon football in 2019! I can't stand this team and I can't stand football!"

She was skeptical - I had said this almost every year since 2000 and eventually I would go back.

I said "No! This time is different! In fact, let's sit down and make a list of projects to do around the house and we will knock one off per week, every Sunday afternoon."

(Side note: She had a right to be skeptical. The NFL also drank the Browns will be good in 2019 Kool-Aid and put them in five Sunday night, Monday night or Thursday night games. I knew I had an out for fully one third of the games, should the Browns somehow not suck in 2019.)

(Second side note: I didn't need that out).

Back to the story: We made a list of projects. The pictures are those completed projects.

Assembled a new basketball hoop... twice.

Decorated Christmas cookies

Created a new home office, three months before COVID. 
I'd rather be lucky than good.

Big family dinner and the start of a new YouTube series

Finished our cornhole boards

Five mile hike!

New video game area for the kids

Christmas storage area

New puppy!!!

Organized my sons' guitars

Organized our wine rack and basement wine storage areas.
Celebrated with some wine.

Painted the finished basement

Repaired a hole in the wall.

Learned I never want to try that again.
Called a handyman for the bigger hole in the garage wall.

Benefits of this type of LOHAG:

1) It was weekly fuel for my victory log. We will talk more about victory logs in the future, but it's a great way of keeping track of your improvements as well as a great inspiration if you feel like things aren't going your way.

2) It was a way to knock out a bunch of items we wanted to get done around the house.

3) Most importantly it was a chance to hang out and have fun with my wife.


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